I Did This Thing…

I wrote the ink out of them! My collection of pens from a year of writing my morning pages.

And joined another challenge. I know, I know, I wrote about how I would join my own no challenge challenge, yet here I am. This one isn’t yoga, although I did print out a March calendar from Yoga with Adriene. It isn’t a happiness challenge. I didn’t sign up for a half marathon this year, but it might be similar in (intellectual) intensity. It’s not a Whole 30/paleo/vegan/vegetarian deprive yourself of something good challenge, and just so you know, that has never been on my radar. It’s not a drink eight glasses of water every day challenge, or no spend, or meatless Monday or exercise every day either.

This one is doing something I like. It’s a write a slice of my life sort of story. A glimmer of my day zoomed in type of story. It can be a paragraph, a poem, a sentence. Or two. Every day for the month of March. Ironically, and without knowing, I posted about not joining or agreeing to more challenges a few weeks back. On the exact day the SOLSC information was posted (insert face plant emoji here). If you want to check that one out, it’s from a few weeks back: No More Challenges Challenge.

Isn’t it funny how God, the Universe, synchronicity, Creativity-call it what you want-toys with you? I laughed! And I almost didn’t post that day for fear coming across as negative. AND, I’m a late night poster, so there was that, thankfully. I didn’t want it taken down, but after having dipped my toe in this community, I don’t think that would’ve happened anyway.

Here I am, joining another challenge. What’s different this time? I did’t jump in right away. I seriously thought about it. I read all of the information countless times. Watched the video for first timers. Considered the time commitment. However, I’m already writing three pages in my journal every morning. I’m on year two, week twenty one (cheers!) I started while working through Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, one of THE books on unblocking creativity. Of course, there were days I skipped or days where I wrote in the afternoon or at night. Some days it was less than three pages, but I figure if I can write three pages every morning, then I can do this.

My challenge will be looking for a glimmer of a story to play with, which shouldn’t be too hard, I mean look at the snippets I post on social media. Instead of posting on Instagram or Facebook, I can take that potential post and use that for my topic, my story. And I get to flesh it out. If I’ve been using social media, this is do-able. Until I get stuck, and I know I will, so I’m prepping for it. I know it won’t be easy.

Here I am, Creativity. I’m ready for a month long play date.

11 thoughts on “I Did This Thing…

  1. Hi Alice, I hope you enjoy being part of SOLC 21, now you’ve taken up the challenge, it certainly sounds like you’ve thought things through very deeply! I’m not writing anything in particular at the moment (not for want of trying) but this is my third year of doing the challenge and I find it extremely rewarding and actually ‘doable’!! I’m part of the Welcome Wagon Wheel cos I know how hard it can be starting out on something new, so I’ll be here to cheer you on!
    Check in with you again tomorrow!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your post! I also had decided not to do this challenge this year. Reconsidered, and decided against it again. But the last couple of days something called me back to it and I made the decision to jump in this morning. I hope it works out to be a great month of creativity for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m super happy you decided to do this challenge. There is “challenge” involved, it’s hard, but there are so many great rewards in this community. Well worth it. Looking forward to reading your slices!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Alice,

    I was so tickled to find your post today! I accidentally clicked on your name at first, which took me to your About page, and there I was even more excited about your future slices. I love the personality that spills across your posts! From the lovely subtitle that anchors your page to the honest quips that show the luminescence of your transparency. My favorite phrase today? Month long play date (smile).

    I’ve only “sliced” once – and it was challenging, because I’m balancing school, wife-ing, mom-ing, church-ing, work-ing, free-lancing, be-ing…and I initially thought it would be far too overwhelming to keep up with… That being said, it has been the best community writing I’ve ever experienced. The international audiences and cohort of writers, the cheerleaders that walk with you hand in hand and support you along the way, the feedback from fellow writing enthusiasts – it is a perfect environment for nurturing the gift that resides in us all – to share our stories one post at a time.

    Can’t wait to see what other adventures you have to share. I hope this will be one of the best writing experiences you’ve had, too.


    ~Carla Michelle, Slicer Year 2


  5. Inspirational. Cheerleader to you, Alice. Sitting back and looking forward to your next. Every slice has its unique flavor, especially from you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Alice, I am so glad you are jumping in! Can I claim you as “my newbie”? And I am starting month three of morning pages because of your example. I think I will continue with them even this month, consider them my “rough drafts” for Slices. On pen #2, here. 😉


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