Halfway Points

Where you look back
look forward
turn around
or press on?
right in the middle

red cherry Popsicle
split in half
on a hot summer day

an age proudly proclaimed
by a child
inching closer
to the next birthday
I'm ten and a half!

two quarters,
one for me,
one for you,
when one could
get you a full sized
candy bar

a marching band show
between two time clock
under Friday night lights
of a high school football game,
drum major
on the fifty yard line
telling the band what to do

a small town in Texas
where Mom pulls over
to let you drive
the rest of the way home
after running errands
because you don't yet have
a license

pit stops for stretching
cramped legs
letting the kids run around
four more hours until
we get to Grandma's
roads don't seem to end
in Texas

a mid-lifer
assuming one lives to 100
I should-ve...
you're did what you
knew best to do

the sweet-spot
of living
Saturday, March 16, 2024

9 thoughts on “Halfway Points

  1. Such creative iterations of half-way! I can definitely empathize with the musings and the long Texas roads from my El Paso days. I hope you spend more time hoping for a long, happy future than in ruefully remembering past mistakes; those are all just lessons, anyway.


  2. It is so hard not to do this: “

    a mid-lifer
    assuming one lives to 100
    I should-ve…
    you’re did what you
    knew best to do”

    What-iffing is a haunting that I hope is excised as we creep closer to 100.


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